ul. Kadłubowców 2 81-336 - GDYNIA POLAND

Tel:  0048 58 6247 990

Web:  https://pol-mare.pl/

Poleczki 12 02-822 - WARSAW POLAND

Tel:  48 228680 430

Web:  https://pol-mare.pl/

ul. Konduktorska 39 ( GPP bldg, level I) 40-155 - KATOWICE POLAND

Tel:  48 609238189

Web:  https://pol-mare.pl/

Air freight

Air Freight

Road freight

Road Freight



Sea freight


Rail freight

Rail Freight

Customs clearance

Customs clearance


Aerospace and Defence


Heavy Lifts & Oversized Cargo


Dangerous goods



Company Introduction

POL-MARE has been active on the forwarding market since 2001. We specialise in handling of strategic importance cargo, military and hazardous ones of all classes, and in transportation of oversized cargo. We arrange for organising shipments, both domestic and foreign in: hinterland, sea, and air transport.

Experienced and well qualified staff shall ensure professional realisation of services tailored to the individual Customer’s needs.

Certifications of Excellence, demostrate POL-MARE's Commitment to High Standards and Strategic Cargo Handling:

  • Confirmation of care we take of the highest standards is our status of the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO).
  • We are a founder member of the Polish International Freight Forwarders Association. We work basing on Polish General Forwarding Rules 2010.
  • In order to ensure high standards of handling strategic and military cargoes, we have implemented in Pol-Mare the quality management system integrated with the Internal Control System certified by the Polish Centre for Testing and Certification (PCBC SA) and by Quality Certification Centre of the Military University of Technology (the AQAP Certificate).

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